REMEMBER TO PRINT YOUR BARCODE (OR DISPLAY IT ON YOUR PHONE) FROM THE EMAIL CONFIRMATION UPON COMPLETION OF YOUR ORDER. SIGN UP FOR AN ONLINE ACCOUNT DURING CHECKOUT TO VIEW AND REPRINT ANY OF YOUR ORDERS is the official website to purchase tickets for the Aerospace Expo. Third-Party ticket sale websites do not have permission to sell or resell our tickets; therefore, tickets purchased through these venues are not guaranteed for entry or refunds. Admission wristbands are not transferable and will be confiscated, surrendered and/or deactivated for misuse with no refunds. SUN ‘n FUN is a private, non-governmental entity and controls all access to the Aerospace Expo, all use of its property & reserves the right to exclude anyone at any time from the grounds. Tickets are non-refundable whether used or unused. Purchase of tickets indicates agreement of all terms and conditions stated here, in our FAQ and on our main website at
For questions or issues purchasing tickets please click here to read our Ticket FAQ or email [email protected] . We will respond as quickly as possible.